Kanban Tools
KaibanJS provides a set of specialized Kanban tools that agents can use to control and manage workflow tasks. These tools enable advanced workflow control features like task blocking, making your AI workflows more robust and controlled.
Our documentation is available in an LLM-friendly format at docs.kaibanjs.com/llms-full.txt. Feed this URL directly into your AI IDE or coding assistant for enhanced development support!
Available Kanban Tools
Currently, KaibanJS supports the following Kanban tools:
: Enables agents to block tasks when specific conditions aren't met
Enabling Kanban Tools
To use Kanban tools, you need to specify them in your agent's configuration:
const agent = new Agent({
name: 'Validator',
role: 'Process Validator',
goal: 'Ensure all tasks meet required conditions',
background: 'Expert in validation and compliance',
tools: [], // Regular tools
kanbanTools: ['block-task-tool'] // Enable Kanban tools
Using the Block Task Tool
The block task tool is particularly useful for implementing validation gates, security checks, and prerequisite verification in your workflows.
Basic Implementation
// Create a validation agent
const validationAgent = new Agent({
name: 'Validator',
role: 'Process Validator',
goal: 'Ensure all tasks meet required conditions',
background: 'Expert in validation and compliance',
kanbanTools: ['block-task-tool']
// Create a task that requires validation
const taskToValidate = new Task({
description: `Review the provided data and ensure it meets all requirements.
Block the task if any validation fails.`,
agent: validationAgent
// Set up the team
const team = new Team({
name: 'Validation Team',
agents: [validationAgent],
tasks: [taskToValidate]
Handling Blocked Tasks
When a task is blocked, you can handle it in several ways:
// Option 1: Using workflow status changes
team.onWorkflowStatusChange((status) => {
if (status === 'BLOCKED') {
console.log('Task requires attention');
// Option 2: Using the promise chain
.then((output) => {
if (output.status === 'BLOCKED') {
const { result } = output;
console.log('Block reason:', result);
// Handle the blocked state
Real-World Examples
Security Validation
const securityAgent = new Agent({
name: 'Security Validator',
role: 'Security Clearance Checker',
goal: 'Validate security requirements',
background: 'Security expert',
kanbanTools: ['block-task-tool']
const sensitiveTask = new Task({
description: `Review access request for sensitive data.
- Valid security clearance
- Proper authorization credentials
- Documented access request
Block if any requirement is missing.`,
agent: securityAgent
Quality Control
const qualityAgent = new Agent({
name: 'Quality Controller',
role: 'Quality Assurance',
goal: 'Ensure output meets quality standards',
background: 'QA specialist',
kanbanTools: ['block-task-tool']
const contentTask = new Task({
description: `Review the content for quality standards:
- Proper formatting
- No grammatical errors
- Meets style guidelines
Block if quality standards are not met.`,
agent: qualityAgent
Best Practices
- Clear Conditions: Define clear conditions for when tasks should be blocked
- Detailed Reasons: Always provide specific reasons when blocking tasks
- Error Handling: Implement proper handling for blocked states
- Monitoring: Set up monitoring for blocked tasks
- Documentation: Document your blocking conditions and resolution procedures
Common Use Cases
- Security Validation: Blocking access to sensitive operations
- Quality Control: Ensuring outputs meet quality standards
- Compliance Checks: Verifying regulatory requirements
- Resource Management: Managing resource availability
- Prerequisite Verification: Ensuring dependencies are met
Future Kanban Tools
We're continuously working on expanding our Kanban tools to provide more workflow control features. Stay tuned for updates!
Have ideas for new Kanban tools? Found a bug? Help us improve by submitting an issue on GitHub!