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Hardware Optimization for PC Games

In the world of PC gaming, ensuring that a game runs smoothly and efficiently requires careful selection of hardware components. Traditionally, gamers and tech enthusiasts spend considerable time researching different CPUs, GPUs, and RAM configurations, comparing prices, and balancing performance with budget constraints.


Traditional Approach Challenges​

When optimizing hardware for PC gaming, enthusiasts typically follow a detailed, manual process. Below is an outline of the typical steps involved, highlighted for emphasis:

  1. Researching Hardware Options: Users manually search for the best CPUs, GPUs, and RAM configurations across multiple websites, forums, and review sites.
  2. Price Comparison: Gathering and comparing prices from different retailers to find the best deals for each component.
  3. Balancing Performance and Cost: Evaluating different combinations of hardware to find the optimal setup that balances high performance with a reasonable budget.
  4. Final Decision and Purchase: After extensive research, users decide on the components and proceed with the purchase.

Note: In this use case, the purchasing step is not currently automated by KaibanJS to maintain simplicity in the workflow.

The Agentic Solution​

Now, imagine this scenario optimized with KaibanJS automation:

  • Game: Cyberpunk 2077
  • Query: "What are the best hardware setups to run Cyberpunk 2077?"

Before diving into the process, let's understand the roles of the key Agents involved:


CPU Analyst: This agent is responsible for analyzing the CPU requirements. It identifies and compares the best CPU options for running the game efficiently, using real-time data on performance benchmarks.

GPU Specialist: After identifying suitable CPUs, the GPU Specialist takes over, researching and comparing the best graphics card options to achieve optimal game performance. This agent focuses on ensuring the game runs smoothly at high settings.

RAM Analyst: This agent analyzes the RAM requirements, identifying the optimal configurations that will provide smooth gameplay without unnecessary overhead or bottlenecks.

Price Analyst: Once the hardware options are identified, the Price Analyst gathers current market prices for each component, ensuring that the best deals are considered in the final recommendation.

Combination Evaluator: Finally, the Combination Evaluator analyzes different combinations of CPU, GPU, and RAM to determine the top three setups. This agent balances performance and cost, providing the best options for the user.

Process Overview​

Now that you are familiar with the agents and their roles, let's explore the process they follow to transform raw data into actionable recommendations.

  1. CPU Analysis: The CPU Analyst searches for information on the best CPUs for running Cyberpunk 2077, considering factors like clock speed, core count, and thermal performance. The agent provides a detailed report with top CPU options and benchmarks.

  2. GPU Analysis: The GPU Specialist identifies the best graphics cards available that can handle Cyberpunk 2077 at high settings, providing performance metrics and comparisons.

  3. RAM Analysis: The RAM Analyst evaluates various RAM configurations to ensure smooth gameplay, focusing on capacity, speed, and latency.

  4. Price Comparison: The Price Analyst gathers up-to-date pricing information for the recommended CPUs, GPUs, and RAM, comparing prices from various retailers.

  5. Combination Evaluation: The Combination Evaluator analyzes and recommends the top three hardware combinations for running Cyberpunk 2077, balancing performance with cost-effectiveness.


The result is a comprehensive report detailing the top three hardware setups for running Cyberpunk 2077 efficiently. The report includes specific CPU, GPU, and RAM combinations along with current prices, allowing gamers to make informed decisions without the need for extensive manual research.

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Use Case - Hardware Optimization for PC Games (1)

By leveraging KaibanJS and its suite of automated capabilities, gamers and tech enthusiasts can optimize their PC builds more efficiently, ensuring they get the best performance possible for their budget.

Expected Benefits​

  • Time Efficiency: Automated hardware research and price comparison reduce the time users spend on manual searches, delivering quick and accurate recommendations.

  • Optimized Performance: The use of specialized agents ensures that the recommended hardware combinations offer the best possible performance for the selected game.

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: The price comparison feature ensures that users get the best value for their money, balancing performance with budget constraints.

  • Personalized Recommendations: The process tailors hardware suggestions to specific games, ensuring optimal performance based on the unique demands of each title.

Ready to optimize your gaming setup? Dive deeper into KaibanJS and explore the endless possibilities it offers. For more information, check out our website and community.

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