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Automating Metadata Extraction and Discord Publishing

Manually extracting metadata from web pages and sharing updates on Discord is time-consuming and prone to inconsistencies. KaibanJS automates this process using AI agents, ensuring efficient and structured communication.


The Challenge​

Managing content updates and community announcements requires:

  • Extracting Metadata: Parsing web pages for titles, descriptions, images, and key details.
  • Formatting Messages: Ensuring updates are structured and visually appealing.
  • Publishing Consistently: Sharing updates regularly while maintaining accuracy.
  • Reducing Manual Work: Automating repetitive tasks to save time.

Traditional methods are slow, error-prone, and difficult to scale.

The Solution with KaibanJS​

KaibanJS automates metadata extraction and publication by combining AI agents into a seamless workflow. Teams can extract key content from web pages and instantly share it on Discord channels, reducing effort and improving consistency.

The Agentic Solution​

KaibanJS employs two specialized agents to handle metadata extraction and publication:

  • MetadataExtractor:
    • Extracts metadata such as title, description, images, author, and publication date from a web page.
    • Formats extracted content for reuse and structured outputs.
  • DiscordPublisher:
    • Creates engaging and visually appealing Discord messages using structured metadata.
    • Ensures consistency with professional formatting and key details.

Process Overview​

Here’s how KaibanJS automates metadata extraction and publishing:

  1. Metadata Extraction: The MetadataExtractor parses the provided URL and retrieves key details such as title, description, image, author, and publication date.
  2. Publishing to Discord: The DiscordPublisher formats the extracted metadata into a structured message and sends it to a designated Discord channel.
  3. Automated Output: The final message is visually appealing and standardized, ensuring professional community engagement.


Below is an example of how this automation is implemented using KaibanJS:

import { Agent, Task, Team } from 'kaibanjs';
import { Tool } from "@langchain/core/tools";
import { z } from "zod";
import axios from "axios";
import * as cheerio from 'cheerio';

// === MetadataTool ===
export class MetadataTool extends Tool {
constructor(fields) {
super(fields); = "metadata_tool";
this.description = "Extracts metadata from a URL in a structured format";
this.schema = z.object({
url: z
.describe("The URL from which to extract metadata"),

async _call(input) {
try {
const response = await axios.get(input.url);
const $ = cheerio.load(;

const metadata = {
title: $('title').text(),
description: $('meta[property="og:description"]').attr('content'),
url: $('link[rel="canonical"]').attr('href'),
image: $('meta[property="og:image"]').attr('content'),
author: $('meta[name="twitter:data1"]').attr('content'),
twitter: $('meta[name="twitter:creator"]').attr('content'),
published_time: $('meta[property="article:published_time"]').attr('content')
return metadata;
} catch (error) {
return `Error extracting metadata: ${error.message}`;

// === DiscordTool ===
export class DiscordTool extends Tool {
name = "discord_tool";
description = "Sends a message to Discord using a webhook";

async _call(input) {
try {
const payload = {
username: "Metadata Bot",
content: `New content update: ${input.title}`,
embeds: [{
title: input.title,
description: input.description,
url: input.url,
image: { url: input.image }
await, payload);
return `Message sent to Discord successfully`;
} catch (error) {
return `Error sending message to Discord: ${error.message}`;

const metadataTool = new MetadataTool();
const discordTool = new DiscordTool();

const metadataExtractor = new Agent({
name: 'MetadataExtractor',
tools: [metadataTool]

const discordPublisher = new Agent({
name: 'DiscordPublisher',
tools: [discordTool]

const tasks = [
new Task({ agent: metadataExtractor }),
new Task({ agent: discordPublisher })

const team = new Team({ agents: [metadataExtractor, discordPublisher], tasks });
export default team;


With KaibanJS, teams can:

  • Automate Content Updates: Eliminate manual metadata extraction and formatting.
  • Improve Efficiency: Save time and reduce effort with AI-driven workflows.
  • Ensure Consistency: Standardize Discord messages for better communication.
  • Scale Effortlessly: Handle multiple updates without increasing workload.

Get Started Today​

Ready to simplify your content workflows? Explore KaibanJS and revolutionize how you manage updates for your community.

🌐 Website: KaibanJS
πŸ’» GitHub Repository: KaibanJS on GitHub
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